State Economic Development and the Creative Economy

Convened in San Diego in 2008, symposium participants discussed how creative sectors have been considered in state economic development efforts as well as how they factor into economic policy.


A History of the SCFD

Commissioned for WESTAF’s Seminar on Cultural Taxing Districts, A History of the SCFD is the history of the Science and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) in a seven-county area around Denver.


Reflections by Jane Hansberry

A commissioned paper for WESTAF’s Seminar on Cultural Taxing Districts, Reflections describes the experiences of Jane Hansberry, the former executive director of the Science and Cultural Facilities District in Denver, Colorado.


Open Dialogue XI: Global Connections to Cultural Democracy

Convened in Denver in 2007, this symposium discussed global migration, cultural democracy, and diversity.


The New Face of Arts Leadership in the West

This symposium was a follow-up gathering to the previous year’s symposium, Cultural Identity in the West. Convened in Boulder in 2005, the forum focused on emerging young leaders from culturally diverse communities in the West.


Cultural Identity in the West

Convened in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles in 2004, Cultural Identity in the West grew out of the conversations and discussions of WESTAF’s Multicultural Advisory Committee.


Re-Envisioning State Arts Agencies

Convened in Denver in 2003, this symposium explored a wide variety of approaches to address current and future issues in the area of state arts agency structure and process.


The Case for Cultural Economic Clusters

Economists increasingly believe that economic clusters are the primary engines of growth, and are thus frequently informing economic policy decisions at the state and local levels. This paper posits three frameworks for cultural economic clusters and summarizes case studies of five clusters that include cultural activity.


Unified Field Summit on Art, Science and Spirituality

Convened at the Aspen Institute in 2002, this symposium brought together 22 prominent artists, scientists, writers, and spiritual leaders working to establish a nexus between artistic, scientific, and spiritual thought.


An Assessment of the Field Impacts of Funding Support

The Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts commissioned this study to document the effectiveness of the support it has distributed to Hawai’i’s artists and nonprofit arts organizations.


An Arts Advocacy Analysis in the WESTAF Region

Research for An Arts Advocacy Analysis in the WESTAF Region was gathered to inform attendees of the WESTAF Executive Director Forum that took place on May 30-31, 2002 in Portland, Oregon.


From NASCAR to Cirque du Soleil: Lessons in Audience Development

The authors of this WESTAF-sponsored research paper examine marketing trends and principles in entertainment and performance.