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WESTAF Update Notes #66 | October 2011
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 66th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
Third Annual ZAPP® Conference Wraps in Atlanta
The 2011 ZAPP® Conference was held September 18-20, 2011, in Atlanta.  The meeting featured a wide range of topics aimed at improving the administration of art fairs and buoying the success of artists selling at the fairs. Featured presenters included San Francisco-based consultant Salvador Acevedo, a leader in the field of changing demographics, who offered insights on how to attract diverse event audiences; and Crafting an MBA founder Megan Auman, a Jonestown, Pennsylvania designer, maker and educator, who presented artist marketing strategies aimed at attracting new customers and maximizing websites and social media campaigns. Additional noted speakers included Marci Rolnik of Lawyers for the Creative Arts in Chicago, who updated artists and administrators on the latest developments in copyright law affecting visual art on the Internet; and Boston-based entrepreneur Michael Salguero of CustomMade.com, an online marketplace connecting shoppers looking for fine custom items with skilled makers. For more information about the ZAPP® Conference, please contact Leah Charney at Leah.Charney@WESTAF.org.
The Public Art Archive™ Goes Mobile
The Public Art Archive™, a sophisticated, searchable online database of public art in the United States, is home to a growing number of  public art collections, which you can now access from a mobile device by visiting m.publicartarchive.org in your smartphone’s browser. The new mobile site allows visitors to search for, map and obtain directions to works of public art; identify public art located near them; and share information about the works via email and Facebook.
Next WESTAF Symposium Announced
The next WESTAF symposium will be held in April of 2012 and will focus on the way data related to the arts and creative economy is collected, vetted and made available to the field.  Through its work on the Creative Vitality Index™ (CVI™) and its partnership with Economic Modeling Specialists Inc. (EMSI), WESTAF has enlarged its network to include scholars and practitioners on the cutting edge of the field.  WESTAF will bring these individuals together for a lively discussion of their work and a sharing of their perspectives on the future prospects for the collection and dissemination of cultural and creative economy data.

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الغرب الإبداعي

CaFELogo150x80x2لوحة فنية-1@2x

CaFÉ هو نظام تقديم طلبات عبر الإنترنت يهدف إلى جعل الفرص الفنية متاحة للجميع من خلال تقديم منصة تقديم بأسعار معقولة للمنظمات الفنية وطريقة سهلة للفنانين للتقديم.

شعار GOSmart المقصوص باللون الأزرق المخضر الأصلي 2-e1719505570844

GO Smart هو برنامج لإدارة المنح بأسعار معقولة يوفر نماذج ما قبل التقديم وما بعده، ومراجعة اللجنة، وإعداد تقارير البيانات لصانعي المنح.


أرشيف الفن العام (PAA) عبارة عن قاعدة بيانات مجانية عبر الإنترنت يمكن البحث فيها وتنمو باستمرار للأعمال الفنية العامة المكتملة في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة والخارج، مع مجموعة من الموارد والأدوات المصممة لإدارة مجموعات الفن العام.

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يوفر ZAPP لمسؤولي المعارض والمهرجانات الفنية مجموعة من الأدوات لجمع الطلبات وتحكيمها رقميًا وإدارة مدفوعات الأكشاك والتواصل مع المتقدمين، كل ذلك من خلال منصة رقمية سهلة الاستخدام. يمكن للفنانين التقدم لمئات العروض على مستوى البلاد من خلال موقع ويب مركزي.