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Artist Visas

What Is a Visa Consultation Letter:

Artists from other countries who come to the United States of America to work often need letters of consultation/no objection that vouch for their artistic excellence as part of their visa application. Creative West serves as a peer organization for artistic disciplines who may not be represented by a union or labor organization. Creative West is regularly asked to render consultation letters on foreign artists’ ability and achievement in the arts.

We do so based on a review of the material sent to us by you and on our understanding of its compliance with immigration regulations. If you are working on the following temporary nonimmigrant visa types (O-1B, O-2, P-1B, and P-3) — whether as an immigration attorney, an employer/petitioner, or a visiting artist/group of artists — we can review your materials and write a letter of consultation/no objection for the application.

How To Request A Visa Letter:

Creative West currently only accepts electronic applications and payment. Creative West’s fee for this service is $250 per petition (per I-129 filed). We do not offer expedited processing. The process takes one to two business weeks after we have received all necessary materials and payment.

Please be advised, in the event that the materials submitted to us are insufficient under immigration regulations to render an opinion, we retain the right to decline providing a letter. You may submit your documents prior to requesting an invoice to confirm that your evidence is sufficient. Please confirm the visa classification and type of artist that is seeking a consultation letter as Creative West is not qualified to provide an opinion for all classifications and artists.

What Documents to Provide:

Please prepare the following documents for our review:

  • Copy of the I-129 form;
  • Letter from the petitioning organization;
  • Agreement and/or schedule of work between petitioner and beneficiary;
  • Resume or CV;
  • Letters of recommendation;
  • Critical reviews from reputable sources;
  • Evidence of beneficiary’s qualifications for the visa type you are requesting.

Once Creative West has confirmed we are qualified to provide a consultation letter, electronic payment will be issued to you via electronic invoice. To submit a visa letter inquiry and request an invoice, please send you documents and billing information to консультацииletters@wearecreativewest.org.

Submit a Visa Letter Inquiry

Additional Disclaimers:

As determined by USCIS, Creative West is a “peer group.” We do not serve as a union, labor organization, or petitioner. Please verify if your artistic discipline or visa application requirements allow you to use a peer group letter as your primary letter, or if you can only use a peer group letter as a supplement to a letter from a union or labor organization.

We are not immigration attorneys and cannot offer advice about the actual visa applications or processes. If you are looking for more information about how to get a visa, we recommend visiting artistsfromabroad.org and/or consulting with a certified immigration attorney.

Веб-сервисы, работающие на

Креативный Запад


CaFÉ — это система подачи заявок онлайн, которая стремится сделать возможности в сфере искусства доступными для всех, предлагая художественным организациям доступную платформу для подачи заявок, а художникам — простой способ подачи заявок.


GO Smart — это доступное программное обеспечение для управления грантами, которое предлагает формы предварительной и последующей подачи заявок, рассмотрение заявок комиссиями и отчетность по данным для грантодателей.

PAA-2023-высокое разрешение

Public Art Archive (PAA) — это бесплатная, доступная для поиска и постоянно растущая онлайн-база данных о завершенных публичных произведениях искусства по всей территории США и за рубежом, содержащая набор ресурсов и инструментов, созданных для управления публичными коллекциями произведений искусства.

ZAPP_rgb 2

ZAPP предоставляет администраторам художественных ярмарок и фестивалей набор инструментов для цифрового сбора и рассмотрения заявок, управления платежами за стенды и общения с заявителями — все на одной простой в использовании цифровой платформе. Художники могут подавать заявки на сотни выставок по всей стране через центральный веб-сайт.