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Women's Suffrage Mural Completion
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WESTAF Announces Completion of Women’s Suffrage Mural

August 16, 2022

To mark the centennial of the landmark legislation that granted women the right to vote, the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) has commissioned the creation of a mural related to Women’s Suffrage in Denver’s Montbello neighborhood.

Created by local artist Adrienne “Adri” Norris (www.afrotriangledesigns.com), the mural is located at the Montbello Branch of the Denver Public Library. The artwork centers an overlooked history and aims to expand the narrative of Women’s Suffrage and the passing of the 19th Amendment to include the larger and more inclusive story of the fight for voting rights for Black, Hispanic, and minority communities.

This project was made possible through a generous grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Federal Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission. Many thanks to the Denver Public Library staff and the District 11 Office of Stacie Gilmore for their partnership on this project.

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