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新たな助成金機会のお知らせ: 文化の持続可能性

6月 3, 2024

Cultural Sustainability is made possible by support from The Wallace Foundation in partnership with the six US Regional Arts Organizations (USRAOs). This opportunity is part of The Wallace Foundation’s Advancing Well-Being in the Arts initiative, which funds arts organizations founded by, with, and for communities of color to advance their well-being, enhance understanding of their contributions to community, and ultimately help to build a more equitable and sustainable arts ecosystem.

Cultural Sustainability offers general operating grants to arts and culture organizations led by and serving communities of color with budgets under $500,000. The Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) will select grantees within its region. Selected organizations will also participate in regional learning communities over the program’s two years.

WESTAF wants to learn how organizations of color create healthy, joyful, and thriving environments for themselves and their communities, and to help them continue this important work. To achieve this, the program includes:

  • Funding: Up to $17,000 per year for selected organizations in the WESTAF region
  • Virtual Groups: Spaces to share ideas, find solutions, and connect with others
  • In-Person Retreats: Times to relax, work together, and learn from each other
  • Help Along the Way: Monthly chats with us for guidance and advice
  • Studies: Research to better understand your organization and how we can help

WESTAF expects to grant a total of $1,100,000 throughout the region, with approximately two grants per state or jurisdiction.

Submissions for part one of the application will open Monday, June 3, 2024 at 9 a.m. MDT and close Monday, July 1, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. MDT.

Applications are now closed.

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