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Our Work – Events & Convenings

Gipfeltreffen der kreativen Vitalität™

The Creative Vitality™ Summit is a signature event dedicated to exploring the intersection of arts, culture, and the creative economy and economic, social, and technological change.

David Holland - Porträtfoto


David Holland

Stellvertretender Direktor



Fotonachweis: Blake Jackson

This summit convenes artists, government and philanthropic leaders, and other creative professionals for insightful discussions, dynamic networking opportunities, and collaborative sessions aimed at enhancing creative vitality within our communities. The summit emphasizes innovative practices, policy advocacy, and cross-sector collaboration to enhance the impact of arts and culture.

Past Events & Recordings


Fotonachweis: Blake Jackson

2024 Creative Vitality Summit™

Boulder, CO | April 8-11, 2024

The 2024 Summit brought together a unique community of creative economy enthusiasts and skeptics, new economy advocates, creative economy policymakers, philanthropy professionals, artists, designers, and trailblazers to consider the impact of new economic models, new forms of investment, and technological change in arts, culture, and the creative economy. Panels were held in Boulder, Colorado and streamed virtually to participants across the country.

CVS-2024-Session-welcome Kreativer Westen

Creative Vitality Summit™ 2024 Welcome Video

CVS-2024-Session-1 Kreativer Westen

Session 1: Creative Economy Policymaking in States and Regions

CVS-2024-Session-2 Kreativer Westen

Session 2: Technology and Creative Practice

CVS-2024-Session-3 Kreativer Westen

Session 3: Immersive Realities

CVS-2024-Session-4 Kreativer Westen

Session 4: Artificial Intelligence and the Creative Economy

CVS-2024-Session-5 Kreativer Westen

Session 5: Transforming Investments in Artists, Creative Workers, and Communities


Fotonachweis: Blake Jackson

2022 Creative Vitality Summit™

denver, CO | November 30 – December 2, 2022

Our second Creative Vitality Summit™ featured community-led, in-person panel discussions on how the creative economy intersects with technology and digital placekeeping and delved into belonging and civic imagination and creative economy development through liberatory investment models. Conversations took place in Denver, Colorado and were broadcast to a virtual audience.

CVS-2022-Session-Welcome Kreativer Westen

Creative Vitality Summit™ 2022 Welcome Video

CVS-2021-Session-1 Kreativer Westen

Session 1: Digital Transformation - Propositions, Approaches, & Futures

CVS-2021-Session-2 Kreativer Westen

Session 2: Decolonizing Methodologies - Arts & Culture in the Digital Age

CVS-2021-Session-3 Kreativer Westen

Session 3: Civic Imagination - Growing the Cultural Networks of Civic Infrastructure

CVS-2021-Session-4 Kreativer Westen

Session 4: Liberatory Investment Models for the Creative Economy

CVS-2021-Session-5 Kreativer Westen

Session 5: Transforming Investments in Artists, Creative Workers, and Communities

2021 Creative Vitality Summit™

September 20-21, 2021

The inaugural Creative Vitality™ Summit took place virtually, with 40 speakers and nearly 500 participants registered. The event brought together creative economy experts, economic development professionals, arts and culture leaders, solidarity economy advocates, and equity champions to share knowledge and practice in developing a more inclusive creative economy.

CVS-2021-Session-1 Kreativer Westen

Session 1: New Economic Models and a More Just Economy

CVS-2021-Session-Grassroots Kreativer Westen

Grassroots Power Building - The upside of the uphill battle to maintain cultural sovereignty

CVS-2021-Session-2 Kreativer Westen

Session 2: Mapping Creative Vitality

CVS-2021-Session-3 Kreativer Westen

Session 3: Creative Vitality and Social Cohesion

CVS-2021-Session-CreativeEconomies Kreativer Westen

The Creative Economies of Belonging

CVS-2021-Session-4 Kreativer Westen

Session 4: Networks and Practice in the Creative Economy

CVS-2021-Session-NextGeneration Kreativer Westen

Next Generation Creative Districts in a New Economy

CVS-2021-Session-5 Kreativer Westen

Session 5: The Future of Creative Work

CVS-2021-Session-6 Kreativer Westen

Session 6: Creative Economy Policymaking and the Future

CVS-2021-Session-OurPath Kreativer Westen

Our Path to Creative Vitality: Reflection and Praxis

Check out our photo gallery for some highlights from this unique gathering.

Webdienste bereitgestellt von

Kreativer Westen


CaFÉ ist ein Online-Bewerbungssystem mit dem Ziel, Möglichkeiten in der Kunst für alle zugänglich zu machen, indem es Kunstorganisationen eine kostengünstige Einreichungsplattform und Künstlern eine einfache Möglichkeit zur Bewerbung bietet.


GO Smart ist eine kostengünstige Software zur Zuschussverwaltung, die Zuschussgebern Formulare vor und nach der Antragstellung, Gremienprüfungen und Datenberichte bietet.

PAA-2023-hohe Auflösung

Das Public Art Archive (PAA) ist eine kostenlose, durchsuchbare und ständig wachsende Online-Datenbank mit fertiggestellten öffentlichen Kunstwerken in den USA und im Ausland sowie einer Reihe von Ressourcen und Tools für die Verwaltung öffentlicher Kunstsammlungen.

ZAPP_rgb 2

ZAPP bietet Kunstmesse- und Festivalverwaltern eine Reihe von Tools, um Bewerbungen digital zu sammeln und zu bewerten, Standzahlungen zu verwalten und mit Bewerbern zu kommunizieren – alles auf einer benutzerfreundlichen digitalen Plattform. Künstler können sich über eine zentrale Website für Hunderte von Shows im ganzen Land bewerben.