WESTAF es ahora Creative West.  Lee todos los detalles.

Quiénes somos

Plan Estratégico

In 2024, Creative West’s leadership launched a Three Year Adaptive Bridge Plan.

Creative West’s 10-year plan, formally rolled out in fall 2018, recognizes the central role technology now plays in our work and makes more explicit the dynamics that are in place to propel the organization and its key stakeholders to a higher level of success.

Building on What Came Before

The Adaptive Bridge Plan grew out of WESTAF’s 10-Year Vision, developed by stakeholder cohorts from 2017–2018, formally launching in May 2019.

A Colossal Inflection Point

With the onset of the global pandemic in March 2020, followed that summer by the murder of George Floyd and an accelerated racial reckoning, Creative West focused the next two years on delivering relief and recovery to the region, supporting partners whose work had radically shifted or shut down, closely re-examining priorities through a social justice lens, and adjusting to both the challenges and the opportunities of a virtual workplace culture.

New Leaders, Ideas; New Resources, Possibilities

During this time, Creative West attracted new leaders—on the staff, on the board of trustees, through deepening regional networks— who brought with them new ideas and approaches. Significant resources were also secured, and Creative West could begin to explore new ways to respond to the changing world. At the October 2022 annual meeting of the board trustees, the executive committee reviewed these developments, concluding that an interim organizational planning model should be considered—one responsive and relevant to our sector’s needs and reflective of our evolving values.

Forging a Responsive Plan

In September 2023, the Leadership Resource Team (LRT) began identifying Destinations, Objectives and Key Results within a three-year planning horizon. In February 2024, the LRT conducted a half-way point review of the original 10-Year Vision, concluding that 40% of its goals had been completed, with the rest well in-flight.

Past Learning, Future Forward

By May 2024, the new plan was complete. Set to launch in October 2024 during the organization’s 50th year in existence, the Creative West Three-Year Adaptive Bridge Plan brings updated guidance to the launch of a newly-named, re-messaged and visually updated organization—Creative West.

Three Year Adaptive Bridge Plan


10 Year Vision


Servicios web con tecnología

Creative West


CaFÉ es un sistema de presentación de solicitudes en línea que se esfuerza por poner las oportunidades artísticas al alcance de todos, ofreciendo a las organizaciones artísticas una plataforma de presentación asequible y a los artistas una forma fácil de presentar su solicitud.


GO Smart es un software asequible de gestión de subvenciones que ofrece formularios previos y posteriores a la solicitud, revisión de paneles e informes de datos para los donantes.

PAA-2023-alta resolución

El Archivo de Arte Público (PAA) es una base de datos en línea gratuita, con capacidad de búsqueda y en continuo crecimiento de obras de arte público terminadas en todo Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, con un conjunto de recursos y herramientas creados para gestionar colecciones de arte público.

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ZAPP proporciona a los administradores de ferias y festivales de arte un conjunto de herramientas para recopilar digitalmente las solicitudes y formar parte del jurado, gestionar los pagos de los stands y comunicarse con los solicitantes, todo ello en una plataforma digital fácil de usar. Los artistas pueden inscribirse en cientos de ferias de todo el país a través de un sitio web central.