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WESTAF Update Notes #64 | June 2011
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 64th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
WESTAF to Exhibit at the 2011 Americans for the Arts Conference in San Diego
Please stop by WESTAF’s exhibitor table in San Diego to learn more about WESTAF’s technology and research offerings or just to say hello! WESTAF program, technical, and research staff will be available to answer questions about current WESTAF projects and provide information about new WESTAF projects. WESTAF is also sponsoring a reception as part of the public art preconference. At that time, the new mobile app version of the Public Art Archive™ will be introduced. If you would like to schedule a time in advance to talk with a staff member about any WESTAF project during the conference, please contact Erin Bassity at erin.bassity@westaf.org.
WESTAF’s CVI™: Comprehensive Creative Economy Data Available Now
The Creative Vitality™ Index, or CVI™, WESTAF’s research-based creative economy data tool, provides immediate access to data about the health and vitality of the arts in any U.S. city, state, county, region, and the nation. With nearly 100 distinct data inputs developed by professional economists and statisticians using state, local, federal, and proprietary data sources, the CVI™ offers comprehensive and comparative information about creative occupations, consumer spending in key areas, the commercial and non-profit creative sectors in any area, and much more.
The CVI™ is now online at cvsuite.org. This online tool, called CVI™ Data on Demand™, makes accessing arts and creative economy data very efficient for arts advocates, arts organizations, and economic development professionals. For example, if an executive director of an arts agency would like to pull a comparative report that illustrates growth in creative occupations in her area over a period of years, she can do that at cvsuite.org. The CVI™ augments the creative economy work organizations are engaged in and demonstrates how the arts and creative economy stimulate jobs growth, enhance economic development strategies, and are worthy of investment. The CVI™ is the most advanced and comprehensive online resource for arts and creative economy related economic data in the United States.
To learn more about how you, your organization, and your community can benefit from the cost-effective CVI™, contact Director of Research Ryan Stubbs at (303) 629-1166 or by email at ryan.stubbs@westaf.org. Will you be in San Diego for the 2011 Americans for the Arts conference? Sign up for a one-on-one consultation with Ryan during the conference by clicking here.
Complete 2009 WESTAF Symposium Proceedings Released
Following the staggered release of symposium sessions throughout 2010, WESTAF is pleased to release the final, complete proceedings of its symposium titled Engaging the Now: Arguments, Research, and New Environments for the Arts. The symposium convened in Aspen, Colorado, in October, 2009. The proceedings feature a keynote presentation by Doug McLennan of ArtsJournal.com, a discussion about the efficacy of state film incentives, a dialogue about the state of arts education research and advocacy, a consideration of new economic arguments for the arts, a review of trends in youth engagement in creativity and the arts, a forum on rethinking the structure and scope of state arts agencies, and a discussion about cultural policy trends in Europe. In addition to McLennan, a wide range of speakers participated in the symposium discussion—from economists and economic development professionals to cultural policy leaders and academics. Access Engaging the Now symposium here.
Designer Wins Award for Design of GO™ Logo
Paradowski Creative in St. Louis recently won an award of excellence (a Bronze Quill award) in the Corporate Identity/Branding Materials category at the St. Louis chapter of the International Association of Business Communications (IABC) awards. The agency won the award for its suite of marketing materials, including a website, for WESTAF’s newest online grants management system, GrantsOnline™ (GO™). The lead designer on the project was Joy Marcus. The Bronze Quill Awards are sponsored annually by the chapter, and recognize the best communication efforts in the region. Judged by other IABC chapters around the nation, a Bronze Quill is a prestigious award for communicators, designers, and marketing strategists. You can view the design and logo at gograntsonline.org.
We are now on Twitter! Follow us using the following handles:
@WESTAF, @WESTAFCVI, @ZAPPlication, @CallforEntry, @PAArchive, @gograntsonline

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Servicios web con tecnología

Creative West


CaFÉ es un sistema de presentación de solicitudes en línea que se esfuerza por poner las oportunidades artísticas al alcance de todos, ofreciendo a las organizaciones artísticas una plataforma de presentación asequible y a los artistas una forma fácil de presentar su solicitud.


GO Smart es un software asequible de gestión de subvenciones que ofrece formularios previos y posteriores a la solicitud, revisión de paneles e informes de datos para los donantes.

PAA-2023-alta resolución

El Archivo de Arte Público (PAA) es una base de datos en línea gratuita, con capacidad de búsqueda y en continuo crecimiento de obras de arte público terminadas en todo Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, con un conjunto de recursos y herramientas creados para gestionar colecciones de arte público.

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ZAPP proporciona a los administradores de ferias y festivales de arte un conjunto de herramientas para recopilar digitalmente las solicitudes y formar parte del jurado, gestionar los pagos de los stands y comunicarse con los solicitantes, todo ello en una plataforma digital fácil de usar. Los artistas pueden inscribirse en cientos de ferias de todo el país a través de un sitio web central.