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WESTAF Update Notes #63 | April 2011
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 87th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
Major Expansion of CVI™ Data Underway Through New EMSI Partnership
In the fall of 2010, WESTAF established a partnership with Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. (EMSI), a firm specializing in the most in-depth employment data available today. This partnership has expanded the data resources available for WESTAF’s Creative Vitality™ Index (CVI™), which will now include access to larger creative economy data sets from EMSI. Expansion of current CVI™ data sets will include the addition of ZIP-code-level creative industry and occupational data, expanded industry and occupational codes, wage information for creative occupations, post-secondary education statistics related to creative industries, quarterly updates of the defined CVI™ data sources, and archived CVI™ data dating back to 2002. WESTAF and EMSI will also partner on marketing and building a new web tool to sell data to an expanded market, beyond the core clientele of each organization.
Third Annual ZAPP® Conference Dates Announced
The 2011 ZAPP® Conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 19-20, 2011. The conference brings together administrators of major visual arts festivals and shows from around the U.S. as well as the artists who participate in arts festivals. The third annual conference will feature discussions about the impact of the current economy on the art fair industry, trends in sponsorship, and ways artists can use social media to expand buyer base. The 2011 ZAPP® Conference will also once again feature a workshop on how artists can improve the presentation of their images to make them more competitive during the jury process. More information about the conference will be released soon. Proceedings of the 2010 ZAPP® Conference keynote presentation and symposium will be available soon in electronic form.
A New ArtJob.org Launched
WESTAF recently launched a redesigned ArtJob.org™ website with greatly improved functionality, resources, tools, and a brand new look and feel. The new site features a modern look, a simple and robust user interface, expanded international job postings, a news section and blog, more detailed profiles, and increased search functionality that aids job seekers. ArtJob™’s many great new features are based on feedback we have received from the ArtJob™ community of users over the last few years. The new site is scheduled for several additional enhancements before this summer, when it will be widely promoted. At that time, WESTAF will also announce an important partnership that will significantly extend the reach of the ArtJob™ site.
WESTAF’s Public Art Archive™ and Your Mobile Device
The Public Art Archive™, a searchable online database of public art in the United States that launched in 2010, will soon be available on mobile devices. WESTAF has begun development of a universal mobile site that will be accessible by iPhones, Android phones, and other mobile devices. The mobile site will allow visitors to search for, map, and get directions to works of public art; identify public art located near them; and share information about the works using methods such as sending an email and posting to Facebook. The Public Art Archive™ makes public art and its processes more accessible to the public, displaying images of each piece alongside an extensive description and including audio and video supplementary files when available. The Archive’s structure and vocabulary are compliant with the highest standards in the field. It employs the VRA core 4.0, developed by the Visual Resources Association’s Data Standards Committee and also used by ARTstor and Harvard University’s Digital Library Projects, as well as vocabulary lists developed by the Art and Architecture Thesaurus. Because of these standards, the Public Art Archive™ can be readily integrated into research and archival initiatives while also providing a user-friendly tool for cultural tourists and arts enthusiasts. Learn more at PublicArtArchive.org.
WESTAF Deputy Director Shannon Daut Joins NPN Board
Shannon Daut, WESTAF’s deputy director, has been elected to the board of directors of the National Performance Network (NPN). The organization represents a group of diverse cultural organizers, including artists, who work to create meaningful partnerships and provide leadership that enables the practice and public experience of the performing arts in the United States. NPN is committed to fostering diversity and artistic experimentation through its support for artists and partners while integrating the arts into public experience, furthering artistic pluralism and acting as an advocate for cultural equity and social justice. Daut recently traveled to New Orleans to attend her first NPN board gathering.

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크리에이티브 웨스트


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GO Smart는 보조금 제공자에게 사전/사후 신청 양식, 패널 검토, 데이터 보고 기능을 제공하는 저렴한 보조금 관리 소프트웨어입니다.


공공 미술 아카이브(PAA)는 미국과 해외 전역의 완성된 공공 미술 작품을 무료로 검색하고 지속적으로 확장하는 온라인 데이터베이스로, 공공 미술 컬렉션을 관리하기 위한 리소스와 도구를 제공합니다.

ZAPP_RGB 2 (자프_RGB 2)

ZAPP은 아트 페어 및 페스티벌 관리자에게 디지털로 신청서를 수집하고 심사하고, 부스 지불을 관리하고, 신청자와 소통할 수 있는 도구 모음을 제공합니다. 이 모든 것이 사용하기 쉬운 디지털 플랫폼에서 가능합니다. 아티스트는 중앙 웹사이트를 통해 전국의 수백 개의 쇼에 지원할 수 있습니다.