WESTAF 现更名为 Creative West。  阅读所有关于它的内容。


Consulting Services & Research

Creative West champions creativity and culture across our region and beyond. We are committed to supporting the arts, culture, and the creative economy by being a thought partner through consulting services, research, and strategic initiatives that enrich our communities through public policy and organizational practice innovation.

大卫·霍兰德 – 头像






照片来源:Ceylon Mitchell

Creative West has long offered consulting services to member states and national colleagues on special projects, studies, and strategic responses to unexpected challenges. With years of professional expertise blended with a touch of creativity, the organization has undertaken nearly 150 consulting projects for state arts agencies in the West and other state and national clients since 1997.

Historical projects include an organizational assessment of the Wyoming Arts Council; implementing operating efficiencies at the California Arts Council; a statewide arts education assessment covering Idaho, Montana, Utah and Wyoming; and the development of Alaska Cultural Trust scenarios for governance and funds allocation.

Major projects in recent years include:

  • The development of the State of Washington’s Creative Economy Strategic Plan for the Department of Commerce
  • A national study of the creative economy and economic recovery in collaboration with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
  • A Creative Industry Visioning Session for the Utah Cultural Alliance, Utah Division of Arts and Museums, and Utah Department of Cultural and Community Engagement, engaging arts and cultural leaders across the state
  • Two phases of strategic plan implementation processes with the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts
  • Facilitation of the planning process for Washington’s statewide arts education partnership, ArtsforAll.

Since 2020, Creative West has completed nearly 70 consulting engagements with state and national partners including, policy and legislative analyses, program reviews, research briefs, and consultation on selecting public affairs consultants.

Economic Models for Creativity

Creative West is at the forefront of exploring more equitable economic models that foster creativity. By understanding and promoting the economic value of the arts, we contribute to sustainable growth and community resilience.

Creative Washington: Washington Creative Economy Strategic Plan


Creative Economies and Economic Recovery Study


Social Infrastructure for Creativity

We believe in nurturing social infrastructure that supports creativity across diverse communities. Our initiatives aim to build inclusive cultural environments that empower artists and engage the public.

Discover key findings from our seminar on enhancing arts access and engagement in rural communities.

Arts and the Rural West Seminar Report


Cultural Contexts for Creativity

Explore how cultural contexts influence creativity and innovation. Creative West’s research and initiatives highlight the cultural diversity that enriches our creative landscape.

Delve into our research findings on cultural dynamics and their impact on creative expression.

Cultural Identity in the West


Open Dialogue XI: Global Connections to Cultural Democracy


The New Face of Arts Leadership


Out of Place: Case Studies of Native American Interpretive Projects and Processes


Web 服务由



CaFÉ 是一个在线申请提交系统,致力于通过为艺术组织提供实惠的提交平台和为艺术家提供简便的申请方式,让所有人都能获得艺术机会。


GO Smart 是一款价格实惠的资助管理软件,为资助者提供申请前和申请后表格、小组审查和数据报告。


公共艺术档案馆 (PAA) 是一个免费、可搜索且不断增长的在线数据库,其中包含美国和国外已完成的公共艺术品,以及一套用于管理公共艺术收藏的资源和工具。

ZAPP_RGB 2 复制代码

ZAPP 为艺术博览会和艺术节管理员提供了一套工具,用于以数字方式收集和评审申请、管理展位付款以及与申请人沟通,所有这些都在一个易于使用的数字平台上完成。艺术家可以通过一个中央网站申请参加全国数百场展览。