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  • For Individuals

National Leaders of Color Fellowship Program

The National Leaders of Color Fellowship program (LoCF) is a transformative leadership development experience curated by Creative West in order to establish multicultural leadership in the creative and cultural sector. By partnering with the other United States Regional Arts Organizations (USRAOs) the program has expanded nationwide and its mission has become a national endeavor.



Grants, Awards & Programs Team

Kreativer Westen




During this no-cost eight-month fellowship, selected fellows receive access to specialists in the field, strategic learning objectives determined to deepen thought on anti-racist and culturally-oriented leadership practices, and national-level network and cohort building. Upon completion of this program, participants are granted alumni status and have opportunities to collaborate with the USRAO in their region as advisors, funding panelists, and/or other professional capacities.

The fellowship is online and typically takes place from the late fall through early summer of the subsequent year. Approximately 10 hours of work should be budgeted outside of the program dates listed below. As such, fellows are encouraged to receive pay from their employers for hours spent engaging in this fellowship opportunity. The USRAOs are available to provide a letter of support as a resource by request.


2023-24 National Leaders of Color Fellowship (LoCF) Applicant Information Session

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Das Public Art Archive (PAA) ist eine kostenlose, durchsuchbare und ständig wachsende Online-Datenbank mit fertiggestellten öffentlichen Kunstwerken in den USA und im Ausland sowie einer Reihe von Ressourcen und Tools für die Verwaltung öffentlicher Kunstsammlungen.

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ZAPP bietet Kunstmesse- und Festivalverwaltern eine Reihe von Tools, um Bewerbungen digital zu sammeln und zu bewerten, Standzahlungen zu verwalten und mit Bewerbern zu kommunizieren – alles auf einer benutzerfreundlichen digitalen Plattform. Künstler können sich über eine zentrale Website für Hunderte von Shows im ganzen Land bewerben.