WESTAF は現在 Creative West です。  それについてのすべてを読む。

Mark Sink Retrospective Exhibition Opening - Patricia McCrystal
Mark Sink Retrospective Exhibition Opening - Patricia McCrystal




We amplify the work of creative organizations by building arts policy systems that can be delivered anywhere and invest in and strengthen state and federal-level advocacy to support public-sector involvement in the arts. We partner with coalitions and regional and national networks to connect and mobilize artists, administrators, public officials, advocates and influencers to build awareness of arts-related issues and drive action on legislative and regulatory change.

Go For Broke - Four Rivers Cultural Center


The arts and cultural policy and advocacy landscape is sprawling and complex, with numerous potential policy issues and decision-making taking place at every level of government. In ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders and partners, Creative West has identified several key policy priorities: supporting local, state, and federal cultural agencies; bolstering the creative economy and creative workers; advancing equity and justice; and investing in creative infrastructure.


Action Center

Creative West provides the latest advocacy updates, drives impactful campaigns, and monitors state and federal legislation. In our grassroots advocacy action center, we rally arts advocates, track the moves that matter, and keep you in the know every step of the way.

Take Action Now


Advocacy Partners

Creative West works in partnership with the broader arts, nonprofit, and creative industries sectors to strengthen public-sector involvement in the arts. As a leading member of national coalitions like the Cultural Advocacy Group, BIPOC Led Arts Advocacy Coalition, Creative States Coalition, National Arts Policy Alliance, and Grantmakers in the Arts Policy Committee, we’re connected with partners both regionally and nationally on year-round advocacy efforts.


State Advocacy Funds

For over a decade, WESTAF has distributed funds (generated from its earned income) to each state in the West to support advocacy on behalf of the state’s arts agency. From essential capacity-building support for state arts advocacy organizations and funding top-tier advocacy work and training and cutting-edge public affairs technology to organizing arts advocacy days and summits, our goal is to provide each state with funds to meet their needs and support their unique advocacy activities.


Western Arts Advocacy Network (WAAN)

With the support of Creative West, the Western Arts Advocacy Network (WAAN) was founded in 2020 and brings together leaders from statewide arts advocacy organizations and key advocates from across the West to share best practices, build advocacy capacity, and support arts advocacy.




芸術リーダーシップとアドボカシーセミナーは、芸術リーダーに連邦芸術擁護活動に効果的に関与するためのツールと知識を提供します。政策立案者と関わり、ベストプラクティスを学び、学習機会とワシントン DC への半年ごとの訪問を通じて、地域と全国で芸術を支援し推進するための戦略を構築します。


Go For Broke - Four Rivers Cultural Center

Photo Credit Four Rivers Cultural Center




Copyright Lila Lee




Pacific Jurisdictions


写真提供: セイロン・ミッチェル



In FY24, Creative West invested over $1.1 million in direct funding to support regional and national arts infrastructure (advocacy, policy, and programming) through the State Arts Agency Innovation Fund, Pacific Initiative Funds, State Advocacy Funds, FestPAC Delegation Support Program, Performing Arts Discovery, and Greater Bay Area Arts and Cultural Advocacy Coalition Organizing and Policy Fellowships.


Arts advocates brought together in Washington DC for the 2023 Arts Leadership and Advocacy Seminar


Consulting projects for state arts agencies, state governments, and advocacy partners in our region since 2021




U.S. House & Congressional meetings in our region in 2023


クリエイティブ ウェスト


CaFÉ は、芸術団体に手頃な料金の応募プラットフォームを提供し、アーティストに簡単な応募方法を提供することで、すべての人に芸術の機会を提供することを目指すオンライン応募システムです。

切り取られた GOSmart ロゴ ティール オリジナル 2 e1719505570844

GO Smart は、助成金提供者向けに申請前および申請後のフォーム、パネルレビュー、データレポート機能を提供する、手頃な価格の助成金管理ソフトウェアです。


パブリック アート アーカイブ (PAA) は、米国および海外の完成したパブリック アート作品の無料かつ検索可能なオンライン データベースであり、パブリック アート コレクションの管理用に構築された一連のリソースとツールを備え、継続的に成長しています。

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ZAPP は、アートフェアやフェスティバルの管理者に、応募書類のデジタル収集と審査、ブースの支払い管理、応募者とのコミュニケーションをすべて 1 つの使いやすいデジタル プラットフォームで実行できるツール スイートを提供します。アーティストは、中央の Web サイトを通じて、全国で数百のショーに応募できます。