WESTAF は現在 Creative West です。  それについてのすべてを読む。

Copy of 2018. SLSQ up close (C.Corrie) - Alaina Diehl
Copy of 2018. SLSQ up close (C.Corrie) - Alaina Diehl

Photo Credit Alaina Diehl



Creative West empowers artists and culture-makers with direct, practical resources, delivered regionally.

Our direct-service work includes funding, programming, leadership development, convenings, and advocacy to move arts and cultural policy forward. Across all, we focus on distributive action that spreads power, information, and resources into our creative communities. We honor their agency by supporting their goals directly — seeking partnership, not power — knowing that our region contains multitudes.

シャドウ ワークショップ - ミア クリヴェロ


We offer practical, equity-centered learning experiences and funding opportunities that connect and inspire artists, culture-bearers, and communities to build a more inclusive sector, strengthen the arts field, and catalyze change.

Individual Grantees


RedlineGallery-OpeningReception1.27.23-207 - Patricia McCrystal


We facilitate network-building, knowledge-sharing, and collective learning, through various regional networks, coalitions and learning communities.


LACE + LAND: Gemidos de la Tierra, Jackie Amézquita


Our technology platforms equitably build bridges in the arts — connecting artists with opportunities and art-seekers with artists.

Learn more



We amplify the work of creative organizations by building arts policy systems that can be delivered anywhere and invest in and strengthen state and federal-level advocacy to support public-sector involvement in the arts. We partner with coalitions and regional and national networks to connect and mobilize artists, administrators, public officials, advocates and influencers to build awareness of arts-related issues and drive action on legislative and regulatory change.


シャドウ ワークショップ - ミア クリヴェロ


RedlineGallery-OpeningReception1.27.23-207 - Patricia McCrystal


LACE + LAND: Gemidos de la Tierra, Jackie Amézquita

Photo Credit Jackie Amézquita



Other Projects and Services

We provide other services that support arts organizations and artists in our region, including consulting services and research, and letters for artist visas.

  • We offer consulting services to member states and national colleagues on special projects, studies, and strategic responses to unexpected challenges.
  • We collaborate with other arts service organizations and the NEA on initiatives that support the work of artists and creative workers like Performing Arts Discovery, a program managed by the Western Arts Alliance and Creative West in collaboration with the USRAOs that promotes U.S. performing artists to international programmers, festival directors, and venue managers.


クリエイティブ ウェスト


CaFÉ は、芸術団体に手頃な料金の応募プラットフォームを提供し、アーティストに簡単な応募方法を提供することで、すべての人に芸術の機会を提供することを目指すオンライン応募システムです。

切り取られた GOSmart ロゴ ティール オリジナル 2 e1719505570844

GO Smart は、助成金提供者向けに申請前および申請後のフォーム、パネルレビュー、データレポート機能を提供する、手頃な価格の助成金管理ソフトウェアです。


パブリック アート アーカイブ (PAA) は、米国および海外の完成したパブリック アート作品の無料かつ検索可能なオンライン データベースであり、パブリック アート コレクションの管理用に構築された一連のリソースとツールを備え、継続的に成長しています。

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ZAPP は、アートフェアやフェスティバルの管理者に、応募書類のデジタル収集と審査、ブースの支払い管理、応募者とのコミュニケーションをすべて 1 つの使いやすいデジタル プラットフォームで実行できるツール スイートを提供します。アーティストは、中央の Web サイトを通じて、全国で数百のショーに応募できます。