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Welcome to Creative West’s document library. Here, you will find an extensive collection of our past papers, reports, and archival materials that capture both our history and ongoing contributions to the arts.


Creative Washington: Growing and Strengthening the Creative Economy

A Strategic Plan for Washington, December 2023

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2021 Creative Vitality™ Summit Report

The Summit brought together thought leaders and creative economy experts to discuss opportunities and challenges for creative workers and entrepreneurs, as well as building a more community-centered creative economy.


Creative Economies and Economic Recovery: Case Studies of Arts-Led Recovery and Resilience

Our study, developed in partnership with the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, examines the role of creative industries in economic recovery post-crisis, offering insights and strategies for resilience.


Arts + the Rural West Session Report

The Arts + the Rural West convening brought together funding and policy organizations with practitioners to consider future directions for rural arts as a policy priority and practice of the field.


A Future History of Public Art

Convened in Honolulu, Hawai​’​i in 2017 in collaboration with Forecast Public Art and the Hawai’i State Foundation on the Culture and the Arts, this symposium provided a significant platform for high-level discourse to explore existing challenges alongside emerging strategies for the successful growth of the ​public art ​field.


The Status and Future of State Arts Advocacy

Convened in Denver in 2016, this gathering of arts and policy experts focused on the subject of the status and future of state art advocacy.


Communication and Information Management in the Nonprofit Arts

This report contains findings from a survey of arts organizations and arts administrators on the behaviors, protocols, preferences, and perceptions of communication and information use and management.


Creativity and Innovation in Public Education: Areas of Need, Mechanism for Change

This symposium was co-hosted by the California Arts Council and Frank Gehry Partners and convened in Los Angeles in 2014.


Portland: How to Pass an Arts Tax

This report examines the Portland art tax that was passed, overwhelmingly, by voters in 2012 and offers ways Portland may be used as a model for other communities.


Creative Vitality Index: Washington State Arts Commission

In 2005 we teamed with WESTAF and the Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs to establish the Creative Vitality Index (CVI) to help us to understand the context of artistic and creative enterprises, educate the community at large about the creative economy, and inform public policy decision-making about trends and related issues.


Engaging the Now: Arguments, Research, and New Environments for the Arts

Convened in Aspen in 2009, this symposium’s topics included: Developing a new generation of arguments in support of public arts funding and rethinking the structure and scope of state arts agencies, and more!


Listen Local: Research on Music in Denver

WESTAF commissioned and completed an in-depth study of music in Denver as part of a report it prepared for the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs to assess the economic vitality of Denver’s music community.


Perspectives on Cultural Tax Districts

Convened in Seattle in 2008 and sponsored by the Washington State Arts Commission, this symposium featured discussions about the history and formation of cultural tax districts. It focused on the benefits, drawbacks, structure, and impact of cultural tax districts.

Веб-сервисы, работающие на

Креативный Запад


CaFÉ — это система подачи заявок онлайн, которая стремится сделать возможности в сфере искусства доступными для всех, предлагая художественным организациям доступную платформу для подачи заявок, а художникам — простой способ подачи заявок.


GO Smart — это доступное программное обеспечение для управления грантами, которое предлагает формы предварительной и последующей подачи заявок, рассмотрение заявок комиссиями и отчетность по данным для грантодателей.

PAA-2023-высокое разрешение

Public Art Archive (PAA) — это бесплатная, доступная для поиска и постоянно растущая онлайн-база данных о завершенных публичных произведениях искусства по всей территории США и за рубежом, содержащая набор ресурсов и инструментов, созданных для управления публичными коллекциями произведений искусства.

ZAPP_rgb 2

ZAPP предоставляет администраторам художественных ярмарок и фестивалей набор инструментов для цифрового сбора и рассмотрения заявок, управления платежами за стенды и общения с заявителями — все на одной простой в использовании цифровой платформе. Художники могут подавать заявки на сотни выставок по всей стране через центральный веб-сайт.