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  • For Organizations

Consortia Professional Development Grant Program

Creative West’s Consortia Grant is a competitive grant program funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Consortia organizations within the Creative West region will be awarded professional development grants to provide capacity-building services to their members and constituents. These services will include workshops, conferences, and online resources for artists, arts professionals, and arts organizations, focusing on a wide range of engagement and touring related topics. The goal of these grants is to ensure that members and constituents who might not otherwise have access to professional development activities have support to do so. Programming can be virtual and/or in-person.


Nofoaga Feso'ota'iga

Grants, Awards & Programs Team

Creative West



Creative West defines consortia organizations as largely state-wide and/or regional professional service organizations committed to serving performing arts presenters and affiliated professionals through access to professional training, leadership development, and knowledge exchange for performing arts in the WESTAF region. Creative West supports this work through sub-awards to help fund their professional development conferences and workshops.

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O le CaFÉ ose faiga tu'uina atu i luga ole laiga e taumafai e fa'aavanoa avanoa ata mo tagata uma e ala i le tu'uina atu o fa'alapotopotoga fa'ata'ita'i se fa'ailoga taugofie ma tufuga se auala faigofie e fa'aoga ai.


GO Smart ose polokalama fa'ameaalofa taugofie e tu'uina atu ai fomu a'o le'i faia ma pe a mae'a talosaga, iloiloga a le laulau, ma lipoti o fa'amaumauga mo le au foa'i.


O le Public Art Archive (PAA) ose fa'amaumauga e leai se totogi, su'esu'e, ma fa'aauau pea le fa'atupuina o fa'amaumauga i luga ole laiga o galuega fa'atino a tagata lautele i totonu o le Iunaite Setete atoa ma fafo, fa'atasi ai ma le tele o punaoa ma meafaigaluega ua fausia mo le fa'afoeina o fa'aputuga fa'atagata lautele.

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E tu'uina atu e le ZAPP i le au fa'atauga fa'ata'ita'iga ma fa'afiafiaga fa'atasi ai ma se vaega o mea faigaluega e aoina fa'atekinolosi ma fa'atonu tusi talosaga, fa'atautaia totogi o fale'oloa, ma feso'ota'i ma tagata talosaga uma i se fa'aoga fa'afuainumera faigofie e fa'aoga. E mafai e le au tusiata ona talosaga i le faitau selau o faʻaaliga i le atunuʻu atoa e ala i se upega tafaʻilagi tutotonu.