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WESTAF Announces BIPOC Artist Fund Awardees

April 24, 2023

WESTAF is delighted to share the awardees of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Artist Fund! These artists represent a range of disciplines, from visual to performing arts, and we are thrilled to support their creativity and contributions to the cultural landscape of the Western region.
Our team of reviewers identified 18 awardees (from a pool of more than 450 applications!), with one awardee per state and jurisdiction receiving an average of $10,000 per artist. Made possible through WESTAF’s MacKenzie Scott gift, the fund will include four virtual group coaching sessions to build on the plans awardees shared in their applications. 
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to our application reviewers, who carefully reviewed each application and provided their expert insights. We are grateful for their dedication and commitment to supporting BIPOC artists. 

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