This is the 108th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF.
COVID-19 Update
WESTAF remains open for business and continues to serve our constituents and customers. Our team is continually assessing how to approach these unprecedented circumstances and is working diligently to respond to the rapidly changing climate. We released a brief statement on March 12 and have created a COVID-19 Resources & Information page on our website that we are regularly updating as more information becomes available. We recently shared some information on the implications of COVID-19 in the western region as well as some early federal, state, and local responses and have asked our networks to complete a brief impact survey. We plan to be in touch regularly to share new resources and updates, and to share a stories about how the arts and cultural community in the West is staying resilient and finding ways to offer inspiration during these uncertain times.
TourWest 2020 Application Deadline Extended to May 1, 2020
In light of the unprecedented events taking place globally related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the TourWest team has extended the TourWest 2020 application deadline to Friday, May 1, 2020 to better accommodate its community of presenters and artists. Applicants have until 11:59 PM MDT on May 1st to submit an application online at, and all supplemental materials must be postmarked by the May 1, 2020 deadline date. TourWest staff are available to answer any questions until 5:00 PM MDT on May 1 at Please note that the deadline extension will delay our grant notification time frame. Applicants can expect to be notified of their award status in early July 2020, approximately 4-5 weeks later than our typical schedule. We understand that this may impact an organization’s ability to confirm final artistic contracts, but we are committed to working with grantees on a case-by-case basis should this be an issue.
Rural West Seminar Postponed, Call Scheduled for April 3rd
WESTAF’s Arts in the Rural West Seminar in Fresno and Del Rey, California originally planned for April 2-3 has been postponed. WESTAF will host a virtual meeting on April 3, 2020 to kick off a conversation about this work and share plans for holding the event later in the year.
South Arts Launches Inaugural Emerging Leaders of Color program in partnership with WESTAF 
Sister regional arts organization South Arts has partnered with WESTAF to launch its own Emerging Leaders of Color program. This new initiative will provide a cohort of cultural leaders of color the opportunity to develop the skills and competencies necessary to prepare them for leadership positions in the field. The program recently launched and more information can be found here via South Arts’ site. We encourage you to spread the word to your networks, in hopes of reaching the most deserving applicants in the region. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 17, 2020.

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Creative West


CaFÉ is an online application submission system that strives to make art opportunities available to all by offering arts organizations an affordable submission platform and artists an easy way to apply.


GO Smart is an affordable grants management software that offers pre- and post-application forms, panel reviewing, and data reporting for grantmakers.


The Public Art Archive (PAA) is a free, searchable, and continually growing online database of completed public artworks throughout the U.S. and abroad, with a suite of resources and tools built for managing public art collections.

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ZAPP provides art fair and festival administrators with a suite of tools to digitally collect and jury applications, manage booth payments, and communicate with applicants all in one easy-to-use digital platform. Artists can apply to hundreds of shows nationwide through a central website.