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WESTAF Update Notes #65 | August 2011
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 65th in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
The Third Annual ZAPP® Conference Convenes in September
The third annual ZAPP® Conference, a professional development opportunity for those who work in the visual arts festival field (artists, event administrators and staff, promoters, and more), will take place September 19-20, 2011, in Atlanta, Georgia. Sessions at this year’s conference feature topics such as: visual arts and copyright law, best practices for jury processes from both the artist and administrator perspectives, and online marketing for artists and events using social media and other tools. The conference will also feature a symposium in which presenters will discuss ways to re-envision and strengthen the art fair business. Tracks are available for both artists and art fair administrators, free portfolio review opportunities will be available for artists, and all are welcome—this event is not just for ZAPP® users. The ZAPP® Conference registration website and official agenda can be found here: bit.ly/zapp2011. Special day-pass rates are available for Atlanta residents. To listen to the 2010 ZAPP® Conference keynote and symposium, visit bit.ly/zapp2010audio.
On-site Scoring at a ZAPP® Event on the iPad? Coming Soon!
The ZAPP® team is now developing an on-site adjudication tool for the iPad, Android tablets, and other tablet devices. With this application, jurors at fine art fairs no longer have to carry around clunky notebooks, binders, and clipboards when scoring for Best in Show and other awards on site. The ZAPP® on-site adjudication tool will allow jurors walking a show to view a map of the event and sort by medium, booth number, or artist name. This tool also frees up staff and administration time as the juror’s on-site scores can be viewed online or exported into a spreadsheet for easy record keeping. The application displays artists’ jury images for reference, and allows the juror to score and comment on an artist’s booth presentation at the art festival. The application is undergoing one last round of internal testing and will be beta tested at events this fall.
WESTAF.org’s New Look
WESTAF recently unveiled a new website. In addition to featuring a modern look and feel, the new site includes a news page with RSS functionality, upgraded navigation, updated information, and a special password- protected area for WESTAF trustees. Visit westaf.org to take a look. We hope you enjoy the new site, and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
Public Art Archive™ Update
The Public Art Archive™ is home to a growing number of  public art collections. To view the collections added to the Archive to date, visit PublicArtArchive.org. If you represent an agency or other entity that manages a public art collection, please contact Public Art Archive™ Manager Rachel Cain at rachel.cain@westaf.org or by phone at (303) 629-1166 to schedule an orientation webinar and learn more about adding a collection. Currently, there is no fee associated with adding a public art collection to the Archive. Also, you can now access the Public Art Archive™ from a mobile device by visiting m.publicartarchive.org in your smartphone’s browser. Find public art on the road and at home from your phone!

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Services Web propulsés par

L'Ouest créatif


CaFÉ est un système de soumission de candidatures en ligne qui s'efforce de rendre les opportunités artistiques accessibles à tous en offrant aux organisations artistiques une plateforme de soumission abordable et aux artistes un moyen simple de postuler.


GO Smart est un logiciel de gestion de subventions abordable qui propose des formulaires de pré- et post-candidature, un examen par un panel et des rapports de données pour les donateurs.

PAA-2023-haute résolution

La Public Art Archive (PAA) est une base de données en ligne gratuite, consultable et en constante évolution d'œuvres d'art publiques achevées aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, avec une suite de ressources et d'outils conçus pour la gestion des collections d'art public.

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ZAPP fournit aux administrateurs de foires et de festivals d'art une suite d'outils pour collecter et évaluer numériquement les candidatures, gérer les paiements des stands et communiquer avec les candidats, le tout sur une seule plateforme numérique facile à utiliser. Les artistes peuvent postuler à des centaines de salons dans tout le pays via un site Web central.