WESTAF est désormais Creative West.  Lire tout de qui le concerne.


Droits d'auteur Josh Edelson


Défenseurs des arts

Creative West supports arts advocates and organizations by helping them build advocacy capacity and networks. Creative West offers resources, training, information, and tools to empower arts advocates to effectively champion arts-related issues at the local, state, and federal levels.

What is arts advocacy?

Arts and cultural advocacy involves supporting and promoting artists, culture bearers, arts organizations, and the creative community. This can include raising awareness, boosting appreciation, or securing funding for artistic and cultural practices. Advocates strive to ensure that arts, culture, and creativity remain a vibrant and essential part of society, recognizing their profound impact on a community’s culture, education, economy, and overall well-being. Creative West serves arts advocates in three key ways:


Capacity building

Creative West builds the capacity of arts advocates and arts advocacy organizations by providing training, research, and legislative data to help them engage effectively with policymakers. Our programs provide the knowledge and skills needed to champion arts-related issues. By offering these educational opportunities, Creative West works to ensure that advocates are well-prepared to engage with stakeholders, influence policy, and mobilize communities to support the creative sector.


Network building

Collaboration is key to amplifying advocacy efforts. In building these networks, we facilitate joint initiatives, shared resources, and increased visibility for important issues that Creative West supports.

Creative West is an active member of several coalitions that span the national arts service and creative economy sectors who work to advance federal arts and cultural policy. We support the work of the Réseau de défense des arts occidentaux, a coalition of statewide arts advocacy groups in the West.

Creative West also, on occasion, supports the development of local arts advocacy initiatives in the region such as the Greater Bay Area Arts and Cultural Advocacy Coalition. Through fostering community and collaboration, we help advocates build support systems and tap into shared expertise.

RylinBecenti_LOOMInstall - Rose Eason

Access to resources and tools

The right resources and tools are key to successful advocacy. Creative West offers helpful resources including research reports, policy briefs, and toolkits to guide advocacy strategies and actions. We also provide technical assistance to craft custom advocacy strategies in the region and provide financial support to arts advocacy work in the region.


Photo Credit: Ceylon Mitchell

RylinBecenti_LOOMInstall - Rose Eason

Photo Credit: gallupARTS

Services Web propulsés par

L'Ouest créatif


CaFÉ est un système de soumission de candidatures en ligne qui s'efforce de rendre les opportunités artistiques accessibles à tous en offrant aux organisations artistiques une plateforme de soumission abordable et aux artistes un moyen simple de postuler.


GO Smart est un logiciel de gestion de subventions abordable qui propose des formulaires de pré- et post-candidature, un examen par un panel et des rapports de données pour les donateurs.

PAA-2023-haute résolution

La Public Art Archive (PAA) est une base de données en ligne gratuite, consultable et en constante évolution d'œuvres d'art publiques achevées aux États-Unis et à l'étranger, avec une suite de ressources et d'outils conçus pour la gestion des collections d'art public.

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ZAPP fournit aux administrateurs de foires et de festivals d'art une suite d'outils pour collecter et évaluer numériquement les candidatures, gérer les paiements des stands et communiquer avec les candidats, le tout sur une seule plateforme numérique facile à utiliser. Les artistes peuvent postuler à des centaines de salons dans tout le pays via un site Web central.