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WESTAF Update Notes #61 | June 2010
From Anthony Radich, Executive Director
This is the 61st in a continuing series of updates about the work of WESTAF
Visit Our Exhibitor Table at the AFTA Conference in Baltimore
Several WESTAF staff will attend the Americans for the Arts conference and the AFTA Public Art Preconference, June 23-June 26 in Baltimore. WESTAF program, technical, and research staff will be available to answer questions about current WESTAF projects and provide information about new WESTAF projects. If you or someone you know would like to schedule a time in advance to talk individually with a staff member about any WESTAF project while at the conference, please e-mail Erin Bassity at erin.bassity@westaf.org. Stop by and see us!
Location and Topics Chosen for 2010 WESTAF Cultural Policy Symposium
The 12th annual WESTAF symposium on contemporary cultural policy will return to the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, October 21-22, 2010. Preliminary topics will include: the digital age and its effect on arts organizations, 21st-century arts education, trends in financial frameworks for cultural organizations, and the modern arts agency. The symposium will feature proposed solutions to the many challenges confronting the arts today.
Arts Education Session from 2009 WESTAF Symposium Now Available
Content from Arts Education: Advocacy and Research, a session of the 2009 WESTAF cultural policy symposium, has been transcribed and edited and is now available. The session included presentations and discussion about trends in and criticism of contemporary arts education research and advocacy. Speakers included experts in the fields of education, advocacy, and arts education curriculum. Arts Education: Advocacy and Research is available in electronic form and can be accessed by visiting the Publications & Research page at www.westaf.org. Complete electronic and printed symposium proceedings will be published and available this fall. Additional excerpts will be released as they are prepared.
CVI™ State and Urban Area Index Numbers Revealed
WESTAF recently released Creative Vitality Index™ (CVI™) scores for the largest U.S. urban areas and all 50 states. The CVI™ is a robust economic development tool that measures the economic vitality of the creative economy, specifically the for-profit and non-profit arts and arts activities in specific geographic or political regions of the United States. Complete CVI™ technical reports include the full set of data and analysis that support each index score. CVI™ reports are now available for any geographic area for as little as $6,000.
Second Annual ZAPP® Conference to Take Place in St. Louis
The second annual ZAPP® Conference will take place September 12-14, 2010, in St. Louis. The gathering will again bring together art festival administrators and artists, the ZAPP® team, and other users of the ZAPP® application and adjudication management system. Conference attendees will explore topics such as art fair processes and management, financial strategies for artists, trends in event management, and the current state and future of the art fair field. Attendees will also participate in workshops on image formatting and and jury management. For additional information about the conference, please contact the ZAPP team.
Former WESTAF Staffer Heads to Australia for Speaking Engagement
Denise Montgomery, former director of communications at WESTAF and former executive director of the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs, has been invited to travel to Melbourne, Australia, in late June. She will address several arts groups on the topic of audience development in changing times. Montgomery presently works as an arts and cultural policy consultant in Southern California. She is completing a study for WESTAF regarding ways to bundle WESTAF programs, services, and technology products to make them more accessible to a wider segment of the cultural community.

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GO Smart は、助成金提供者向けに申請前および申請後のフォーム、パネルレビュー、データレポート機能を提供する、手頃な価格の助成金管理ソフトウェアです。


パブリック アート アーカイブ (PAA) は、米国および海外の完成したパブリック アート作品の無料かつ検索可能なオンライン データベースであり、パブリック アート コレクションの管理用に構築された一連のリソースとツールを備え、継続的に成長しています。

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ZAPP は、アートフェアやフェスティバルの管理者に、応募書類のデジタル収集と審査、ブースの支払い管理、応募者とのコミュニケーションをすべて 1 つの使いやすいデジタル プラットフォームで実行できるツール スイートを提供します。アーティストは、中央の Web サイトを通じて、全国で数百のショーに応募できます。