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Our Work – Networks

Leader of Color Network

The Leaders of Color Network unites alumni of the Leaders of Color program to deepen relationships across cohorts. The network shares and builds knowledge and skills to envision and enact a field that is supportive to the needs of BIPOC cultural workers at every stage of their career. Our goal is to deepen relationships — among alumni, with Creative West, and in the field at large — building an intersectional, intergenerational, and multiracial movement on behalf of cultural equity.


Nofoaga Feso'ota'iga

Grants, Awards & Programs Team

Creative West


Leaders of Color Staff

Anika - Uluulu

Anika Tené, o ia

Faatonu o Fesoasoani, Faailoga ma Polokalama

Anika Tené e fa'ailoa ma fa'atupuina le tele o a'oa'oga fa'aa'oa'oga e fa'atatau tonu e fa'afeso'ota'i ma fa'aosofia ai ta'ita'i ma nu'u e fausia se vaega e sili atu ona fa'atasi ma tu'ufa'atasiga. E auai o ia i Creative West mai lona tulaga o le pule o aoaoga a le atunuu i le John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts lea na ia faamautinoaina ai o tagata tomai faapitoa faatufugaga ua faaauupegaina i aoaoga faapolofesa talafeagai ma le lagolago ao latou taumafai e tuuina atu avanoa tutusa i faatufugaga i tagata lautele. tamaiti aoga. Sa galulue Kwinana ma le tele o fa'alāpotopotoga faatufugaga e avea ma pule o le tulaga, fa'ameamea, fa'auluuluga o faletusi, ma paaga fa'atau. Sa avea foi o ia ma faatonu lagolago o faaaliga a kolisi a le atunuu, polokalame ma auaunaga mo le National Association for College Admission Counseling lea sa ia faatautaia ma fuaina STEM kolisi ma matata matata e oo atu i le 20,000 tagata auai i tausaga taitasi. O Tené o se sui o le Komiti Fa'atonu i le Kolisi o Ata Va'aia ma Fa'atinoga a le Iunivesite o George Mason, o le ta'ita'i tuai o le Arlington County Commission for the Arts ma le fa'avae o Arlington for Justice; Ta'ita'i ua mavae o le Arts Administrators of Color Network ma le alum o le ArtEquity's BIPOC Leadership Circle, o lo'o galulue fa'atasi ma isi ta'ita'i faatufugaga mai le atunu'u atoa e atia'e fa'ata'ita'iga fa'aa'oa'oga fa'aamiotonu. Na maua e Tené lona faailoga o le tagata malaga i mataupu faasaienisi faaupufai mai le Iunivesite o Howard ma se faailoga o le matuaofaiva i le pulega o faatufugaga mai le Iunivesite o George Mason, lea na taulaʻi ai lana maa pito i luga i le manaʻomia o le eseesega i le taʻitaʻiga faʻalapotopotoga. O lo'o ia umia fo'i lona fa'ailoga matuaofaiva i tala fa'asolopito o tagata lautele mai le Iunivesite o Amerika ma lona fa'ailoga pasi i le pulega mai le Iunivesite o Stellenbosch i Aferika i Saute.

Josh Ellis - Ulutala

Josh Ellis, o ia / o ia

Fa'ameaalofa ma Fa'aofi Pule

O Josh Ellis o lo'o i ai se sao taua i le fa'afaigofieina ma le fa'afoeina o polokalame a le Creative West BIPOC ma fuafuaga e fa'aaoga ai faiga fa'ameaalofa fa'avae tutusa e fa'aleleia ai a'afiaga o le atunu'u. O ana matafaioi talu ai e aofia ai le avea ma se pule faaili i le tele o faalapotopotoga, lea na ia pulea ai aufaaili a le autalavou ma le silia ma le 500 tamaiti aoga, faatautaia konekarate a faiaoga ma tagata tusiata, ma fatuina ma faatino polokalame faatulagaina. Sa ia umia foi ni tofiga i le John F. Kennedy Center mo le Fa'afiafiaga Fa'ata'ita'i i Patron Services ma i le Wolf Trap Foundation mo Fa'ata'ita'iga Fa'ata'ita'iga o se tagata faigaluega fa'apolofesa, lea na ia fa'atupuina ai fa'amatalaga tusiata mo le vaitau o polokalame ma faia ai su'esu'ega i luga o tusiata ta'aloga. toomaga i le tautotogo o le 2020. O galuega ofo fua a Ellis e atagia mai ai lana tautinoga i faatufugaga lagolago ma le tutusa. Sa avea o ia ma sui malosi o le Arlington Commission for the Arts, ma saofagā i le faʻateleina o faʻatupeina o faatufugaga mo le itumalo ma faʻamalosia le fono faitulafono a VA. E le gata i lea, na ia faʻamautinoaina le faʻatupeina ma faʻatautaia sauniga faʻailoga mo le Prince William County Arts Council. Talu ai nei lava, na ofoina atu ai ia te ia se avanoa e avea ai i le Komiti o Fuafuaga mo le Asosi a Tagata Faigaluega Fa'apolofesa (APAP) Koneferenisi - o le fa'apotopotoga muamua a le lalolagi o le tu'ufa'atasiga o fa'afiafiaga, fa'asalalau, ma ta'amilosaga. O Ellis o lo'o umia le Master of Arts in Arts Management ma le Bachelor of Arts in Music mai le George Mason University.

Marcelina Ramirez - Ulutala

Marcelina Ramirez, o ia

Fesoasoani, Fa'ailoga ma Polokalama Fa'amaopoopo

O Marcelina ose tagata tomai fa'apolofesa fa'apolofesa fa'apolofesa fa'apolofesa fa'apolofesa fa'atasi ai ma le tele o tala'aga e va'ava'ai atu i pulega o a'oa'oga maualuluga, fa'asalalauga faatufugaga, ma fa'alapotopotoga. Faatasi ai ma le poto masani i le avea ai ma pule o aʻoaʻoga maualuluga i le Iunivesite o Colorado, Colorado Springs, ua aumaia ai e Ramirez le faʻataʻitaʻiga faʻataʻitaʻiga ma le taʻitaʻiga faʻalapotopotoga i lana galuega. I le avea ai o le tusiata faʻaulufaleina mo Colorado College, sa faia e Ramirez se sao taua i le aʻoaʻoina o Colorado i Saute i mataupu ogaoga e pei o le Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) ma le aʻafiaga o le faʻamaʻi i Tamaitai o Lanu. O ana taumafaiga e fa'amamafa ai lana tautinoga i le fa'aaogaina o ata e fai ma meafaigaluega mo suiga lautele ma a'oa'oga. O se tagata siva Latina lauiloa, o Ramirez o se sui faʻaaloalogia o le kamupani a le Latisha Hardy Dance, e saofagā i le vibracy ma le eseesega o le siva faʻalapotopotoga. E ala i lana ta'ita'iga, na te fa'atupuina se avanoa fa'afeiloa'i ma fa'atasi mo fa'aaliga fa'aleaganu'u ma le galulue fa'atasi. I le lalolagi fa'afiafia, o lo'o matua'i a'afia Ramirez i fa'atinoga tutusa, fa'avasegaga, ma fa'aofi (EDI) (sili ona lata mai i luga o se komiti faufautua mo le kamupani fa'afiafia a le PHAMALY mo se avanoa e sili atu ona 'ese'ese) a'o ta'alo i fale fa'afiafia i luga o Mauga Papa. O Ramirez foi o se tusisolo lomia, ma le taulai atu i autu o le alofa, togafiti, ma le aiga. O ana tusitusiga e atagia ai lona faasinomaga Latina Initia ma avea o se auala malosi mo tala ma fesoʻotaʻiga.


Ivonne Chand O’Neal

Dr. Ivonne Chand O’Neal, Founder and Chief Research Officer at MUSE Research, is a researcher and cultural strategist specializing in arts impact evaluation with a focus on equity, access, and belonging. As Co-Founder of the Greater Good Group, she crafts data-driven boutique retreat experiences for marginalized contributors to the arts and culture sector. Trained as a Cognitive Psychologist, she has pioneered research platforms for prestigious organizations such as the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, analyzing global arts impact. With strategic roles at Crayola and VSA: the International Organization on Arts and Disability, she chaired the Arts, Culture and Museums Division at the American Evaluation Association.

ivision at the American EDr. Chand O’Neal serves on board for the Minnesota Opera, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, and the National Guild for Community Arts Education.. Additionally, she advises the University of Pennsylvania’s Human Flourishing Initiative and serves as a federally-appointed reviewer for institutions like the National Endowment for the Arts and the Corporation for National and Community Service, advocating for quality creative education. Her impactful work, recognized by media and government bodies, foreshadows her upcoming 3-book publication, “The Impact of Arts on Human Flourishing” (Springer, 2026).

Leaders of Color Faculty


Salvador Acevedo

Salvador Acevedo has over 20 years of experience helping organizations link their design and innovation strategies with various cultures within the U.S. Being bilingual and bicultural gives him the ability to recognize the cultural markers that signal inclusion, and he’s committed to open opportunities for all.

For the last 15 years, Acevedo has been professionally invested in helping organizations increase diversity, deepen inclusion, and advance equity, in a broad range of fields, from arts and culture to informal education and urban planning.

Acevedo is a founding faculty member of WESTAF’s Emerging Leaders of Color (ELC) program and Leaders of Color (LC) network, with the goal of increasing BIPOC leadership in policy and arts administration. He is invested in understanding the forces that shape the future of the arts field and how we can realize an inclusive and equitable one. Acevedo is a regular speaker at

conferences on DEI topics and is a TED Talk speaker with the talk I’m Mestizo.

LOC-Faculty-Margie Johnson Reese

Margie Johnson Reese

Margie Johnson Reese is a founding faculty member of WESTAF’s ELC and current faculty of LoCF. She has a 40-year portfolio as an arts advocate and arts management professional. She received a B.A. from Washington State University in Pullman, Washington and an MFA in Theater from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She is an adviser to the International Council of African Museums based in Nairobi, Kenya and is a Fellow at the Salzburg Global Seminar in Salzburg, Austria. She continues to serve as an advisor to the Wichita Falls Alliance for Arts and Culture in Wichita Falls, Texas, a local arts agency that seeded and developed under her guidance as its first Executive Director.

Her work in the local arts agency arena also includes a six-year tenure as Director of the Office of Cultural Affairs for the City of Dallas and General Manager for the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs. She held that position under three mayoral administrations managing grant making, arts education, festival production, cultural facilities and public art staff teams. She is credited with launching the Los Angeles International Cultural Exchange Program leading artist delegations to represent the city in Italy, Germany, Greece, France and Brazil. Her visionary city-wide music education program, Music L.A.! continues to provide music instruction, instruments and performance opportunities for young people.

Margie continues to contribute to the field of Arts Administration as a consultant to national, regional and local arts agencies, helping them develop inclusive arts policies that respond to contemporary civic goals. Recent clients include The Houston Arts Alliance, The Sacramento Metro Arts Commission, One Columbia (South Carolina) Mid-America Arts Alliance and Americans for the Arts. She is an adjunct professor in the graduate school of arts administration at Goucher College. She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia.

LOC-Faculty-Madalena Salazar

Madalena Salazar

Madalena Salazar is a creative focused on issues of cultural equity with extensive experience as a nonprofit administrator, DEI consultant, educator/facilitator, organizer, and cultural producer. Currently, she serves as the Executive Director for Working Classroom, and the Principal of 3rd Space Vision LLC. She is also a faculty member for WESTAF’s LoCF and predecessor program, Emerging Leaders of Color (ELC). Madalena is community lead for Coffee + Creatives in Albuquerque. She values engaging creatively as one’s whole self, collaboratively, and intersectionally across generations, in relationship. Madalena was born, raised, and resides in Tiwa territory aka Albuquerque, New Mexico (after returning from several impactful years in Denver, CO). She loves music, cooking (and eating), tarot, nature, traveling, reading, gardening, and the healing arts. Madalena received a B.A. in Anthropology, and an M.A. in Art History from the University of New Mexico. Madalena is most proud of being a mother, and spends her remaining time with her children, partner, and her extended and chosen familix.


Joy Young, Ph.D.

Joy Young, Ph.D. has more than 25 years of experience in the arts as an entrepreneurial performing artist, arts administrator, and academic. Joy’s work as a performing artist included owning a successful music studio and performing as a recitalist, sanctuary soloist, studio and background vocalist. Her 14-year tenure with the South Carolina Arts Commission was highlighted by serving on the executive leadership team as the agency Director of Administration, Human Resources, and Operations. Joy also implemented a variety of programs at the South Carolina Arts Commission to include arts/artist entrepreneurship; nonprofit leadership and organizational development; cultural tourism; statewide conferences and convening; and the AIR Institute. Joy’s contributions to the arts at the national level include service as a grant reviewer for the National Endowment for the Arts, member of the Committee for Individual Artists with Grantmakers in the Arts, and a mentor for the NASAA DEI Mentorship Program. She is also a Faculty member in LoCF and emphasizes leadership strategies.

Most recently, Joy served as the Executive Director of the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville. Her work saw her committed to a team who worked together implementing innovative programs, developing and executing proactive and quantifiable arts and culture initiatives, and broadening relationships with new networks and stakeholders. Joy found tremendous success capitalizing on the power of public-private partnerships as a strategy to significantly increase the Cultural Council’s earned revenue.

Joy enjoys sharing her experiences from the field in the classroom by preparing the next generation of arts administrators in the Master of Arts in Arts Administration at Winthrop University to be adaptive leaders. Joy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music, Master of Arts in Voice Performance, and the Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership. Her research interests include arts leadership, program assessment and evaluation, and organization and leadership adaptations amid dynamic environmental paradigms.

David Holland -Ulu ulu

Tavita Holland

Sui Faatonu

Ua aumaia e Tavita le silia ma le 20 tausaga o le poto masani o se faufautua fuafuaga ma taʻitaʻi i faatufugaga, aganuu, ma le tamaoaiga fatufatuaʻi mo faalapotopotoga e le o ni polofiti, aʻoaʻoga maualuluga, philanthropy, ma pisinisi i le lalolagi atoa. I le avea ai ma Sui Fa'atonu i Creative West, na te ta'ita'ia polokalame lagolago ma faiga fa'avae; e ta'ita'ia sootaga i fafo ma sailiga tupe; ma ta'imua auaunaga faufautua i fa'alapotopotoga i totonu o se itulagi o setete ma pulega fa'aletulafono e 16 ma le atunu'u. Talu mai lona auai i Creative West, sa ia fa'atupuina le Creative West's Pacific Initiative; fa'atasi le fa'atasiga a le Creative West's Arts ma le fa'atasiga i Nu'u i Sisifo; fa'atonuina le atina'eina o le setete o Uosigitone's Creative Economy Strategic Plan; fa'alauiloa ma tausia le Creative Vitality™ Summit, o se fonotaga fa'alelalolagi i le tamaoaiga foafoa; na tusia le Lipoti a le Creative Economies and Economic Recovery i le faiga faapaaga ma le Fono Aoao a le Setete o Ofisa o Tufuga; faavaeina le Western Arts Advocacy Network; atiina ae fesoasoani, maufetuuna'i, ma isi polokalame fa'ameaalofa fa'apitoa mo tusiata ma fa'alapotopotoga i Sisifo ma le Pasefika; auai i le faiaoga o le National Leaders of Color Fellowship; ma fa'amautu le tele-miliona tala fa'afaigaluega tumaoti ma tagata lautele mo polokalame a Creative West. O lo'o avea fo'i Tavita ma Ta'ita'ifono Fa'atasi o le Creative States Coalition, o se fa'apotopotoga fa'ale-atunu'u o kulupu fa'alesitino ma a latou paaga. O Holland sa avea muamua ma faatonu lagolago o le Arts and Business Council of Greater Boston. O isi matafaioi muamua e aofia ai tulaga taʻitaʻi ma pulega sinia ma le VCU da Vinci Center for Innovation, VCU School of Arts, ART 180, le Latina Ballet of Virginia, Arts & Business, ma le UK innovation foundation Nesta. Sa galue foi Holani o se faufautua sinia ma le BOP Consulting, o se suʻesuʻega faʻavaomalo ma faʻataʻitaʻiga faʻataʻitaʻiga mo aganuu ma le tamaoaiga fatufatu, ma sa galue o se ofisa faʻasalalauga mo le National Campaign for the Arts a Peretania. Mo le silia ma le 13 tausaga, sa galue o ia o se faufautua tutoatasi pulega mo tagata faatau mai le Salzburg Global Seminar ma le Inter-American Development Bank i le United States Artists and Think of Us, o se suʻesuʻega ma mamanu fale suʻesuʻe i le manuia o tamaiti. O lo'o i ai nei o ia i le faiaoga o le polokalame MA i le Arts Administration i le Kolisi o Goucher. Sa galue o ia o se laulauafono ma komiti faafoe mo le National Endowment for Arts, Colorado Creative Industries, ma le Oregon Arts Commission i isi. O ia o se Salzburg Global Fellow, Evan Carroll Commager Fellow, ma o se uso a le Royal Society of Arts. O Holani o lo'o umia le tikeri o le tagata malaga i mea tau tamaoaiga ma su'esu'ega Asia mai le Kolisi o Amherst ma fa'ailoga matai i su'esu'ega fa'ava-o-malo ma tipiloma ma tala'aga o faatufugaga mai le Iunivesite o Lonetona, SOAS.

Na Mee (Leaders of Color Network: ELC 2015) for LoCF Virtual Summit 2022-2023

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Conversations with 2022-23 LoCF Fellowship Program Alumni

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O le CaFÉ ose faiga tu'uina atu i luga ole laiga e taumafai e fa'aavanoa avanoa ata mo tagata uma e ala i le tu'uina atu o fa'alapotopotoga fa'ata'ita'i se fa'ailoga taugofie ma tufuga se auala faigofie e fa'aoga ai.


GO Smart ose polokalama fa'ameaalofa taugofie e tu'uina atu ai fomu a'o le'i faia ma pe a mae'a talosaga, iloiloga a le laulau, ma lipoti o fa'amaumauga mo le au foa'i.


O le Public Art Archive (PAA) ose fa'amaumauga e leai se totogi, su'esu'e, ma fa'aauau pea le fa'atupuina o fa'amaumauga i luga ole laiga o galuega fa'atino a tagata lautele i totonu o le Iunaite Setete atoa ma fafo, fa'atasi ai ma le tele o punaoa ma meafaigaluega ua fausia mo le fa'afoeina o fa'aputuga fa'atagata lautele.

ZAPP_rgb 2

E tu'uina atu e le ZAPP i le au fa'atauga fa'ata'ita'iga ma fa'afiafiaga fa'atasi ai ma se vaega o mea faigaluega e aoina fa'atekinolosi ma fa'atonu tusi talosaga, fa'atautaia totogi o fale'oloa, ma feso'ota'i ma tagata talosaga uma i se fa'aoga fa'afuainumera faigofie e fa'aoga. E mafai e le au tusiata ona talosaga i le faitau selau o faʻaaliga i le atunuʻu atoa e ala i se upega tafaʻilagi tutotonu.