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Moab Music Festival

Our Grantees & Fellows

Meet Creative West’s grant awardees and fellows—artists, culture bearers, arts agencies, and organizations fostering creativity in their communities.


Grants awarded from FY 2021 - FY 2023


Leaders of Color alumni


  • %

of FY 2023 Tourwest grants supported arts participation in rural areas

Thank you and si Yu'us Ma'asi for supporting Indigenous art and artists, and for giving me this opportunity to build a very special traditional canoe for our community!

Pete Perez

2024 BIPOC Artist Fund | Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

It was an amazing experience that fueled me to work toward my goals in arts and culture. I hope that the connections we built throughout the last year will continue with support from the program. I'm grateful for all the work from the staff and am inspired by their passion for making a difference. The program certainly made a difference in my life.

Sam Zhang

23-24’ LoCF Fellow | Michigan

These funds will kick start a 2 year long process of become a Certified Economic Developer by the International Economic Development Council. My focus is on small business, entrepreneurship, placemaking, tech and how to finance small businesses including those in the creative economy. My goal is to obtain my credential over the next 2 years and transition in to a professional economic developer or chamber director role

Brandy Reitter

ELC 2014 | Eagle, Colorado

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Grantees & Fellows

Grantee Grant/Fellowship Year Awarded Ubicación
AfroMundo TourWest 2024 Albuquerque, New Mexico
Agency for Better Living Endeavors Pacific Initiative 2024 Pago Pago, American Samoa

Discipline: Folklife/Traditional Arts

Ver el sitio web

Alaska Arts Southeast, Inc. TourWest 2023 Sitka, Alaska
Alaska Arts Southeast, Inc. TourWest 2024 Sitka, Alaska
Alaska Arts Southeast, Inc. TourWest 2022 Sitka, Alaska
Alaska Junior Theater TourWest 2023 Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Junior Theater TourWest 2024 Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Junior Theater TourWest 2022 Anchorage, Alaska
Alberta Bair Theater TourWest 2023 Billings, Montana
Alberta Bair Theater TourWest 2024 Billings, Montana
Albuquerque Museum Foundation Inc TourWest 2024 Albuquerque, New Mexico
Allen and Alice Stokes Nature Center TourWest 2023 Logan, Utah
Allen and Alice Stokes Nature Center TourWest 2024 Logan, Utah
Allen and Alice Stokes Nature Center TourWest 2022 Logan, Utah
Alpine Artisans Inc. TourWest 2023 Seeley Lake, Montana
Alpine Artisans Inc. TourWest 2022 Seeley Lake, Montana
American Folklore Society Folk Arts 2024 Bloomington, Indiana
American Samoa Council on Arts, Culture, and Humanities (ASCACH) Fest PAC 2024 Pago Pago, American Samoa
Amerika Samoa Humanities Council Pacific Initiative 2024 Pago Pago, American Samoa

Discipline: Humanities

Ver el sitio web

AMP Concerts TourWest 2023 Albuquerque, New Mexico
AMP Concerts TourWest 2024 Albuquerque, New Mexico
AMP Concerts TourWest 2022 Albuquerque, New Mexico
Anchorage Concert Association TourWest 2023 Anchorage, Alaska
Anchorage Concert Association TourWest 2024 Anchorage, Alaska

Servicios web con tecnología

Creative West


CaFÉ es un sistema de presentación de solicitudes en línea que se esfuerza por poner las oportunidades artísticas al alcance de todos, ofreciendo a las organizaciones artísticas una plataforma de presentación asequible y a los artistas una forma fácil de presentar su solicitud.


GO Smart es un software asequible de gestión de subvenciones que ofrece formularios previos y posteriores a la solicitud, revisión de paneles e informes de datos para los donantes.

PAA-2023-alta resolución

El Archivo de Arte Público (PAA) es una base de datos en línea gratuita, con capacidad de búsqueda y en continuo crecimiento de obras de arte público terminadas en todo Estados Unidos y en el extranjero, con un conjunto de recursos y herramientas creados para gestionar colecciones de arte público.

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ZAPP proporciona a los administradores de ferias y festivales de arte un conjunto de herramientas para recopilar digitalmente las solicitudes y formar parte del jurado, gestionar los pagos de los stands y comunicarse con los solicitantes, todo ello en una plataforma digital fácil de usar. Los artistas pueden inscribirse en cientos de ferias de todo el país a través de un sitio web central.